10+ Ways To Get Quality Backlinks To Your Blog in 2023

Get Quality Backlinks

In 2023, if you want quality backlinks pointing to your blog and want it to rank well in search engines then how do you go about acquiring these links?

In this article, we’ll give you 10 simple strategies for getting quality backlinks to your blog in 2023. So bookmark this page and come back!

Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. They are important because they are one of the most important factors that search engines use to rank websites. The higher a website is ranked, the more likely it is to be seen by people who are looking for information on the internet.

There are plenty of ways to get quality backlinks to your blog. Some methods are more time-consuming and labor-intensive than others, but they’re also more likely to result in high-quality links that will help improve your SEO.

Easiest way to identify potential sources of backlinks is to do a search for your target keyword(s) and see which websites are ranking in the top 10 results. Then, take a closer look at the websites that are ranking in the top 3 spots, as they’re likely to be the most authoritative

Google search result

Backlinks are the links used in your website from other web pages, and your web pages link to other sites. That’s all it does. It helps you to create a reputation and high relevance of content in Search Engine, but not all backlinks are going to work in the same way. To identify the poor-quality backlinks which is connected with website you can use backlinks checker tools.

We need to know why we are using Backlinks?

Because of SEO.

Yes, SEO uses backlinks to show the users what they are looking for. 

How they spend the most time on the platform by using these different sites, and how linking related or Quality links help users to experience better with the platform.

Three important characteristics of good backlinks

Many factors can be an add-on to this list, but the important three features that needed is ;

  • It occurs naturally within the context of the web page.
  • Backlinks web page domains are reputed and secure.
  • It creates more authority for your site.

Powerful SEO Guide to Building High Quality Backlinks

You need to know which type of links will not work on your sites and which will work, so discuss what kind of backlinks to use and how to build SEO-friendly Backlinks.

Let’s Discuss…

1. Broken Links Building:

Broken links are the links used in web pages that no longer work due to changes in URL location, or to providing invalid URLs.

By doing research about a particular topic on any sites (if they have used any broken links) do contact the content owner and notify them to check this issue.

By mentioning the query, do solve it by sharing similar content links and ask them to update with the old broken link.

2. Backlinks from Amazon:

As amazon doesn’t allow links in the description, we can do that by converting our content into a PDF file or making an ebook.

Upload the ebook in Amazon Store, it should be free of cost but do remember to keep your brand name in the description. By adding this, help your site to get improved and better traffic.

3. Link on your social profiles:

The next way is to use your profile as a powerful tool.

We all know how these social media sites are growing, every age of people connects here, and I am sure that your traffic audience also resides here.

Some big social sites are;

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Youtube
  • LinkedIn

You can easily add your website link in the bio or description section of your account or business account. It will be very useful to do, but this has the power to multiply your traffic in many ways.

4. Infographic:

Infographics are easy to read and understand by users. Are you good at summarising the topic into one infographic? If yes, it is good for you. Check sites from whom you think these infographics would use and you have written that related content on your website too.

Build infographics by using sites;

  • Visme
  • Canva
  • Snappa
  • Easel.ly.
  • Infogram
  • Venngage

After creating an informative infographic through these tools, you can simply contact to website owners and bloggers to publish your infographic on their site with the backlink of your content. Create informative infographics are easy to understand by them.

5. Guest Blogging Backlinks:

Guest posting backlinks are the process of linking on other people’s web pages just to create better relationships, exposure, and authority to your site.

Not many people think it’s great to use guest posting backlinks, but sometimes they also seem like a good way to create good backlinks.

Guest Posting  backlinks are done only when your content is super authorised and trusted by google, this can happen when you create good SEO-friendly, unique and original content.

By doing great work with your content, many people try to backlink your site with their content, because they know you have the right kind of information in your content. You can achieve this by writing top-notch on-page SEO content.

6. Backlinks with your business partner or distributor

The next easy way to get quality backlinks is by adding your website to your business partner, distributor, or supplier sites.

Since these are the people who are mostly included in your business and know your service very well, they have a choice to add your content link to their sites because somewhere they also revolve around your niche business.

This provides more credibility to your business and the content, it is easy to get a backlink from these people.

7. Brands and influencers are also a choice

We all know how much these big brands and influencers create these days. Find people and brands that resonate with your service.

Reach out to them, or maybe you can provide them with some kind of free service or product to use in exchange for true feedback.  Ask them to mention your affiliate link in their accounts.

It will increase your chances to reach a wider audience and make an impact on a larger level. 

8. Write original content:

Search engine like Google gets smart, and our Consumers too. In today’s world, we have a lot of options to get the correct and authentic information, if not you, or maybe any other.

 To get in the game, you need to provide the right content at the right time. If your audience are reading the right information, then they will share more of your content with more people.

If content doesn’t feel impressive or original then might they not be interested in the content. To get better relevance of your product and service, you need to provide original content. Writing original and SEO friendly content also increases your traffic and conversion rates.

9. Backlinks from document sharing sites:

Some of the document-sharing sites are;

You can convert your content into PDF documents, and share them on these sites or platforms.

In those PDFs you can easily mention your web page links, while providing the particular answer of the related queries. PDFs are highly used in documentation, niche articles or contents, your links are clicked on high numbers. 

10. Get Backlinks from Press Release:

Press releases are the stories of the public that are sent by journalists to different houses to publish it. To get eyeballs from journalists make sure your content is newsworthy with attractive and trending titles. 

If a journalist likes your press releases, then they write an article based on it and it will increase your chance of getting a quality backlink.

Make sure you have added a website link in the middle or main part of the content to earn backlinks from multiple websites. 

11. Comments Matter the Most

If you add comments on blog commenting sites, then there are two possibilities to get Do-follow links or No-follow links. 

You may quickly identify do-follow comments by looking at a web page’s HTML code. If you find a link with the rel= “dofollow” attribute, the remark is a do-follow comment. In the source code, no-follow comments have rel= “nofollow” tags.

For building quality backlinks for your website, it’s important to know the difference between do-follow and no-follow links as this will help you decide which types of backlinks you should focus on for maximum impact.

Do-follow links improve website ranking on the search engine result page but no-follow links only generate traffic on the site. 

It is important to know: Google crawler crawl only do-follow links. 

Today’s obtaining do-follow comment backlinks is a challenge.

1. Post as a Guest on other Blogs 

2. Make sure the blogs you comment on are relevant to your website and give you do-follow links.  

3. Utilize blogging communities by sharing your blog posts there; some excellent starting points are Blog Engage and Inbound.

4. Ask blog-related questions and include a link to your blog in your inquiries on answer sites like Yahoo Answers.

5. When responding to questions on Yahoo Answers, cite your blog as the source. 

6. Connect with other bloggers in your niche and trade links. Make sure to create a natural link.

7. Top Blogging Directories: Submit Your Blog (Again, quality matters here) You can search a list of blog directories on google.

8. Encourage influencers who write about the same subject. Send them mail to promote your content. 

9. Enter your blog in reputable specialised directories.

10. Connect with other bloggers in your niche (both online and offline) to attract links on their own.

11. Include a blog link in your forum signature (Only high-quality forums)

Some additional tips to get high quality backlinks:

1. Add a news section to your blog page: by adding this to your page, you have extra space to update your content regularly with the trending cases and records according to your niche. This helps you to get more backlinks in an easy way.

2. Write about Trending topics: according to your niche, choose topics that are trending in the market, and write the best content revolving around the niche. By doing this simple thing, you will easily get some backlinks without doing any extra effort.

3. Create your content podcasts: this is the next famous thing people are trying right now, as listening is always easier than reading context. It is suggested to prepare your content in podcast form, and share it on some platforms, but don’t forget to add your website link in the description.

4. Choose the correct heading: this might seems little to do, but sometimes creates magic. Heading like “ 7 mistakes” or “13 myths”, or maybe using some big numbers help you to get better backlinks. 

5. Offer them free Downloads: the last thing you can do to create better backlinks is provide free download templates and ebooks, that help them to solve some queries. Do mention your website link there so they can easily reach out afterward if they need it anytime. 

How does Google evaluate High Quality Backlinks ?

Google updates its algorithm from time to time, and to stay updated with the algorithm we need to use the latest algorithm that looks relevant. To check if your content has high Quality Backlinks or not, google considers some of these points;


We are using this word again and again, to make you understand how important this is for you that your content looks relevant to the user query the most. So do backlinks.

Using backlinks that are not relevant to your niche will not be helpful and also does not help users in any way. You need to show those things that users are looking for the most.

If someone is searching for the best party dresses but it’s showing the links of solo travelling. So these contexts are not relevant to each other in any way, and if they are not relevant what’s the reason to interconnect them. Users like to go through the same kind of context that they are searching for.

Google uses the strategy to show similar products or services related to the content, so users can love to spend some more time on the site.


As an owner of your content, you need to be sure of whose link you are applying and who gives links to your content. Both web pages should be secure enough, if it is, then it sends a signal to the google search engine that your content is valuable to readers.

Backlinks about your content only:

This is a major aspect, if you find this you are in a high position. Some sites talk about the product and service with your brand name only, and not your competitor’s name included in it. 

Contact these bloggers to backlink your sites, this will show how strong and authoritative your site and service is. 

Link Location:

The basic section of every web page is a header, footer, main body, right sidebar, and left sidebar.

Connecting the backlink in which location also affects the quality of backlinks. Backlinks that are linked to the main content are essential and tap more often.

Of course, a page has tons of backlinks, so it’s important to place it in the right place with no confusion.

What Matters the Most: Quality Backlinks or Quantity of Backlinks ?

All Marketers have their own opinion on Quality backlinks vs. quantity of the backlinks. Some marketers are focused on Quality backlinks and others focus on the quantity on the backlinks. 

Who is right ?

To be honest. The fight between quality vs. quantity will never be stop. They are natural enemies. The reality doesn’t fall in one side but right in the middle. 

Let’s Discuss –

When the Internet was still in its early stages, search engines would rank results solely based on the webpage’s content. With the introduction of Google’s PageRank Algorithm, search engines began to consider and value the number of people who linked to that page. With the Google Penguin algorithm update, search engines are now focusing on link quality rather than quantity. 

Focus on below mentioned three parameters when you creating backlinks for your blog:

Page Authority: Page authority is the first determinant of link quality. If you want your site to be found online, the authority of the page linking is essential. The most value can be passed to your site through links from authoritative pages. Page authority measures the predictive ranking strength of single page. 

Domain Authority: Links from well-respected sources will be much more potent than others. Moz’s Site Explorer is a great tool for checking your site’s domain authority and your competitor’s sites. Note: Domain Authority measures the strength of entire domain or sub-domain.

Relevance: When you get backlink from any website, make sure it is relevant with your website niche. It create relevancy between both websites and google eyes on it.

Final Words

Using backlinks is very common nowadays, but getting a high-quality backlink is not that easy. As doing mistakes by adding their content to any site or platform that doesn’t share a good amount of traffic.

But by getting these above-mentioned 10+ tips(with some extra tips) I am hoping that now you know how to get quality backlinks to your blog. 

Backlinks not only create authority but also generate a sense of relaxation between users to share this content because they find it accurate and precise. Now find some relevant content where you can provide your web page link to make quality backlinks.

Still then, if you find any problem regarding any point, we love to listen to you and are happy to explain and help more.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Are blogs good for Backlinking?

ANS: Yes absolutely, adding backlinks to your blogs improves your SERP ranking, increases your traffic audience, and creates authority in the platform.

Q2. How do I get Free Backlinking?

ANS: Building good networking and providing testimonials to people, help you to get easy and free backlinking.

Q3. How many Backlinks a Blog should have?

ANS: 40 to 50 should be considered as the right number to add on each web page, it’s good if you add more.

Q4. How many types of Backlinks are there?

ANS: There are 8 different types of Backlinks, some of are;

  • Editorial backlinks
  • Free-tool backlinks
  • Guess blogging Backlinks

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