Blogging Tips and Tricks: The Ultimate Guide to Boost Your SEO

Blogging tips and tricks

Is blogging easy for newbies?
Can beginners excel in blogging? 

Yes! You can easily start a blog. It is not difficult. However, to succeed in the blogging world, you need a lot of hard work, creativity and patience. 

I still find myself working a lot but I never feel tired because it doesn’t feel like work. This is the part of the day and it will help to make the blogging journey easy. 

I can’t promise you that you can create a sensational blog with this blogging guide but I can promise you that your blog will become better, and you’ll feel better about blogging.  

According to the Growth Badger report, there are over 600 million blogs in the world. Every day thousands of new bloggers start their blog with the dream of making money but many newbies don’t know the right techniques for successful blogging.    

Here my focus is on 30  important blogging tips and tricks that will help you in your blogging journey.

Let’s get started!

Blogging Tips for Beginners

    Paying Attention to the Foundation

Paying Attention to the Foundation

One thing that comes to everyone’s mind is to get traffic on their website. But the problem is that they are not willing to spend time learning for On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, blog writing, article writing and SMM etc.

Everyone wants to be a successful blogger. But it’s not possible without paying attention to learning the basics of blogging. 

Brian Herbert said, 

The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.

Yes, Learning is always a choice! In the initial days, if  you pay attention to learn the basic skills of writing,  SEO and social media, then you will build the strong foundation for your  blog. 

Invest your couples of months for learning new skills.

These skills will assist you in working in your success foundation. 

Therefore, make sure to strive hard during your days as a newbie in this field. 

    Read More

Reading more is one most essential tip to be considered. Writers should read more and more books. This will help them in being great bloggers. By reading you can get exposed to new ideas for your blog. You can also check out the writing style by enhancing your vocabulary. 

So, always make it a habit to read at least 30 minutes everyday. Try to read something that interests you. If you already know any renowned authors , read their publications and take ideas. 

    Write Eye Catchy Headlines

Powerful Headlines can convenience and engage your readers with your content. It can make your content or break your content as well. 

This is the first thing that readers notice in your article and they judge your article on the basis of headlines. 

Write attractive headlines to grab the eye-balls of readers and sell your content. Blog headlines tend to regulate your SEO rankings on Google as well. 

Use numbers, questions, and emotional triggers to draw people in, and make sure your headline accurately reflects the content of your post.

Some examples of catchy headlines include:

“10 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Productivity”

“Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast: The Science Behind Morning Meals”

“How I Quit My Job and Traveled the World: A Personal Story”

    Learn To Take Criticism

In your blogging journey sometimes you will face negative comments on the comment box, face challenges in social media but don’t be afraid. Take it on the positive note and work on improvement, if required.

Always remember criticism makes you strong. Don’t feel bad when someone criticizes your work. You need to learn to move forward with criticism. 

No one’s perfect! 

You’ll grow a lot while learning from your mistakes in blogging. Criticism might be hard but it will help you grow and improve at your work. Criticism will make you a better blogger than you are today.

    Plan a blog schedule

Blog posts are not useful if you will not publish them. Most importantly, schedule your blog posting in advance. This is one of the most prominent blogging tips for newbie bloggers. 

Your blog should always delight the minds of the readers with fresh and premium content.  For this you need to plan your posts beforehand. 

But, how will you do that? 

You need to create a content calendar. You need to schedule your blogging and stick to it evenly.  First, you need to establish your publishing frequency. 

Whether you will publish the blogs once or twice or thrice a week?

Well, it’s great to start with two blogs a week and schedule the third one beforehand only. You need to place your topic ideas in the content calendar. 

For this, make sure to research and brainstorm new designs and topics. I promise, this trick is going to help you in the long run. 

    Write Daily for your readers

The most difficult part of writing is the beginning. But once you create a writing habit, it will change your life. When you write more and more then you will become a better writer. 

Writing daily is quite fruitful and Google loves to see freshly written content and it’s a great idea to keep your blogs updated. 

If you have a hectic schedule, you can use the post-scheduling feature and it helps in maintaining your post’s frequency. If you still feel it is hard to maintain a post frequency, in this case, you can hire content writers.

9 Tips To Write SEO Friendly Content

    Create Niche-Based Websites

The most common mistake is about focusing on multiple niches at a time.  This can be harmful for the blog and can decrease the visibility tremendously. 

You can earn decent money through niche based website and say goodbye to regular 9 to 5 job. 

Ensure to focus on a profitable niche

This will help in getting a targeted audience. 

During the initial stage of blogging, I created a niche based siteThat site creates decent profit every month. You can also do it. To reach that point, you need to do a lot of hard work and have to keep patience.

Here I have shared some most trending niches, they are: 

  1. Personal blogs.
  2. Fashion and wellness
  3. Travel blogs
  4. Finance blogs 
  5. Technology blogs

You can always choose your niche according to your audience. For instance, you may focus on European cooking.  However, ensure to focus on vegan food for European cooking.  Moreover, browse through some examples as well. Then select a blog to finally start off as a beginner.

    Make a Blogging Strategy

Your blogging strategy is a clear road map of your successful blogging journey. If you have written a blogging strategy, then your chances are double to achieve goals. 

Unfortunately, too many bloggers do not have a clear blogging strategy. They just jump into the task according to the trending topics. Written blogging strategy save your time and drives more traffic.

As soon as you understand how things are going, start promoting the content. Create a checklist and follow it while publishing new content. You need to be creative with your blog. 

Well, how can you make your blog visually appealing? 

For this, you need to add images and videos to your blog. You can also make use of different tools such as Trello or Asana for this. 

Some additional tips that will help you in strategising your blog are, 

  1. Number of articles to be published.
  2. Content calendar for the articles to be published in one month. 
  3. List of platforms where the blog will be shared. 

    Research your Target Audience

Before creating content, you must know your audience then you can create engaging content. 

Who are you writing for? What are their interests, needs, and pain points?

Once you understand your audience, it will help you to create more relevant and engaging content for  their needs and interests. 

If you want to know your right audience, then research your niche. You should be aware about the latest trends, developments and news related to the niche.

What are your competitors writing about, and how can you differentiate yourself? 

You can get your reader’s demographics, interests, and behavior data through Google analytics tool

Once you get a clear understanding about the audience, it helps to know what kind of content people like to read. 

Now you can take brainstorming ideas for your blog posts.

When you create content for your readers, always think about what they want to learn or know and how you can provide value to them. You can also ask your readers for feedback and suggestions, or use social media to engage with them and gather insights.

    Keep your Blog Updated

It’s important for you to keep your blog’s content fresh. As a blogger, you need to update your blog on a regular basis. 

If you frequently add trending and informational content, it helps to engage readers on your blog. Google will decide your website  ranking on the basis of new content. 

Search engines always appreciate fresh content, you just need to update it on time. Here I have shared some tips to help you keep your blog updated:

  • Every week add at least one new post on your blog.
  • Take old blog posts and turn them into new content by updating the information, adding new examples, or creating infographics.
  • Keep track of your blog’s performance using analytics tools.

By following these tips, you can keep your blog updated and engaging for your readers.

    Select the Right Blogging Platform

When you are going to start a blog, then your first step is to select a blogging platform. It will be confusing for newbies, because there are so many options available. 

My suggestion for newbies is to choose a blogging platform, which suits their needs. Most popular platform to create any blog or website is WordPress. 

The best feature provided by WordPress are plugins. You can save your time and energy by using these plugins and create a beautiful blog. WordPress is free of cost, anyone can build their blog without any restrictions. 

If you are considering your long-term plans for your blog, then you can have a self-hosted website/blog using 

Another option is to start blogging on The best part about Medium is that it is absolutely free of cost, convenient to use and lot’s of traffic.

    Do not copy content

The biggest mistake most beginners make is trying to copy another content and directly using AI generated content on their website. 

If you are going to use AI generated content directly on your website, then it will never rank on Google. You need to learn how to use AI tools. 

You should try to create a unique and plagiarism-free content of your own. 

If you plagiarize, your content will have nothing new for the readers. Moreover, copied content can ban your blog from Google.

So, always ensure to provide nothing but premium-quality content to your readers. High-quality content can take you to the top level in the search engine ranking page (SERP). 

    Share on Social Media

This is a vital tip that should be considered by newbies to make sure to promote your content on an efficient social media platform. But, it is always mandatory to check all the regulations first.

Let’s take a example,

Don’t join Facebook groups randomly. Randomly throwing in your post links in these groups can get you banned. Social media marketing is a humongous topic and picking up the right platform is important. Ensure to select the one where you can find your most effective target audience groups. This is because every social media platform has a different purpose. 

Pinterest is usually for blogs that are visually oriented.  Twitter is great for panel and blog discussions. Facebook is good at providing a community for sharing your blog links. 

    Easy to Read Blogs

No one is in a race to read your blog. But, it’s your job to get them to your blog. Bond Halbert, a renowned copywriter quoted, ‘good writing creates effortless reading.’ Let me tell you tricks to enhance your reader’s experience, 

  1. Make sure to utilise small paragraphs. Huge paragraphs can make the readers bored.
  2. Break all the long sentences.
  3. Use visual formatting such as bold and italics. 

These tricks can definitely help you in blogging as a newbie.

    Get Feedbacks Regularly

Do you know what’s the worst thing you can do?

Well, let me enlighten you!

It is common to make mistakes when you are writing alone. So it’s always great to take feedback from another person before you finally publish the blog.  This will help you in understanding what more can be added or what can be removed to make it better. This is one of the most effective tips that can be used by beginners. 

    Track your Keyword Rank

If you want to increase the visibility of your website / blog then keep your eyes on the keywords ranking. Track your site’s keywords ranking to determine how your site is appearing on the search engine result page. 

If you are not getting ranking for your targeted keywords, then you need to recreate SEO strategy.  You also need to track your keywords ranking to know which keywords are improving their performance and which needs improvement. 

It will help you to refine your keywords strategy. Now you need to focus on those keywords which are efficient for your blog. You can measure your SEO efforts success by tracking your keywords ranking. 

In short, tracking keywords ranking is an important part of SEO. Which will help you to attract more traffic, more visibility and ultimately grow your blog.

Read: How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

    Write Longer Blogs

Long blog posts are an important part of SEO strategy as it attracts more visitors and customers. Long-form content provides detailed information to their readers that shorter content may not be able to provide. 

If you write long-form content, then you can provide more value to your readers. Your blog post length should be more than 2,500 words. 

Longer and more detailed content can get a higher ranking on search engine result pages because search engines favor long form content. Write long form blog posts, which will help to improve your ranking and drive more traffic on your blog. 

Overall, It is a valuable strategy! 

Remember, you can’t compromise with quality, quality content is always more important than the length. So focus on providing real value to your readers in every post you write.

    Be Patient and Passionate

Being a successful blogger requires a combination of patience and passion. 

If you are passionate about blogging then it will reflect in your writing. Your knowledge and love for writing will shine and your readers appreciate your efforts. 

Your readers always engage with your content, you just need to show value for your readers. Plus, when you are passionate about writing, slowly you will go through all challenges that come in your blog journey. 

Patience is essential because building a successful blog takes time and effort. Your blog can take months or even years to show significant results. 

You will never see immediate results, so don’t get discouraged. Nourish your blog with time, effort and your dedication. Slowly it can become a valuable resource for your readers and a source of pride for you.

    Make Link Building Strategy

Link building matters the most because it is the most important part of Off-Page SEO technique. Link building strategy not only boosts your SEO but also helps you build relationships with other bloggers in your niche. 

Focus on making proper link building strategies and try to get more backlinks for your blog. Do some guest posting and get backlinks from high domain authority blogs.

10+ Ways To Get Quality Backlinks To Your Blog In 2023

    Call to Actions

Call-to-action (CTA) prompts can engage your readers in your content and get  immediate response from them. You can convert your blog visitors into your customers by using call-to-action in blog. 

As a marketer, CTAs are important for you because through CTAs you can encourage your audience to take action on your marketing campaign.  

Let’s take some examples of CTAs for blog posts:

  • If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends on social media.
  • Sign up for our newsletter to receive our blogging guides
  • Learn more about [topic of your blog post] by checking out our related resources.
  • Don’t forget to comment below and share your thoughts on this topic.
  • Click here to purchase our product and take the first step towards [benefit of your product].

Remember, if you write clear and compelling CTAs in your blog posts then your chances are higher to convert your readers into customers based on your valuable content. 

    Use SEO friendly Theme

Your blog template is the base of your blog. Go for an SEO-friendly theme to optimize your blog for search engines. As a newbie you should invest in premium templates. 

Free themes not only provide limited customization options but you will face slow loading speed, security issues and poor coding which decrease search engine optimization. 

In short, by choosing an SEO-friendly theme, you can optimize your blog for search engines and get a good chance of higher ranking in search engine results pages. This can lead to increased visibility, traffic, and ultimately, conversions for your website.

In this website I have used the premium version of Astra theme. Before using Astra on my website I have read Astra theme review and resized this best theme for my blog.

    Optimize your Website’s Speed

To provide a better user experience to your visitors, make sure your blog loading speed is optimized.  

Your readers will leave the site if it’s not fast enough. Thus, it is vital to increase your site’s loading time. Optimized site speed can increase user engagement and reduce bounce rates.

Google and other search engines consider website speed as a ranking factor. A faster website can improve your search engine rankings, resulting in more traffic and better visibility.

Check out: 8 Super Simple Ways To SpeedUP WordPress Website

    Comments on your posts

When you start receiving comments on your posts, then reply to them. It’s a great opportunity to start discussion with your readers. By way of comments your readers engage with your content and express their opinions. 

In your comment box you will get valuable feedback and criticism, which will help you to improve your content. Inshort, the comment section of your blog post enhances the user experience and provides valuable feedback for your post.

People want value. So, if you are starting your blog journey then count it. Blogging takes a lot of time and effort but it will take more work if you do it in the wrong way. 

You need to devote your time to blogging and it will generate a passive income for you. Be consistent in your work!

Hopefully, these blogging tips and tricks have helped you in your blogging journey. If you find these blogging tips useful, do share it with your blogger friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks for reading! I will meet you in the next post. Keep shining! 🙂

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